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Why you shouldn't believe dog influencers

We are in the age of social media, that isn't something we can deny. However this isn't always a good thing, yes you can find some great tips and tricks on the internet which help you with day to day life. But the problem is a lot of those with a following just know how to work social media.

A lady at work with her dog at her feet
A lady and her dog

Yes a lot of us trainers use social media to optimise our businesses, however majority of our work is in person and on consults. There are so many doggy influencers out there who give out wrong information which could be dangerous, but because they know how to work social media and have a big following people trust it.

A large following doesn't mean someone is educated.

You will never see what goes on behind peoples screens, what goes on behind the videos that they are posting. The whole point of social media is that people see what you want them to see, it creates a facade, an ego, a persona that you want people to see you as. So those people who really know how to promote themselves on social media can create a huge following and even gain a lot of money off of it.

I will always push people to consult real life professionals. Whether you need a physio, chiropractors, nutritionist, trainer, there are always real people out there who you can have a physical consultation with. People with qualifications and experience within that sector.

But also be aware that just because big companies may work with these influencers it doesn't mean they know who they are dealing with either! I know multiple influencers who have horrific backgrounds, but they know how to work it, they know how to look good. You cant find out everything on social media like you can through knowing people, or knowing a chain of people.

Think about the issues that came out with Absolute Dogs, this huge company known for dog training and its approach to engagement training with its dogs. Little did the public know until years after that behind the scenes they had unethical breeding practices. There is so much that can be hidden behind social media, and its important to take trust in people you can actually see face to face.

If you're going to follow the advise of social media influencers, then just be careful and do your background research first.

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