In the training industry some words may have a slightly different industry. When we say 'socialisation' we dont necessarily mean introducing our dogs to other dogs. We mean exposure to the world around them.
Socialisation may include taking them to pubs, garden centres, carparks. It may be introducing them to dogs, people or other animals. It means getting them used to the world around them, and exposing them to things which could potentially be scary.

It is important that when we are bringing up a puppy we do everything slowly, we dont introduce them to too many things at once. It is also EXTREMELY important that when we are actually socialising them with other dogs that we dont introduce them to every single do we pass, they need to learn to ignore dogs and listen to us when we ask.
As with people, not every other dog out there is friendly. We need to allow our dogs to realise that they cannot socialise with every dog they pass, other dogs may not be friendly or may be old, or injured and just not be happy to socialise. Teaching our dogs to focus on us rather than other dogs is a huge responsibility we have as owners.
Did you know that over socialising your dog with other dogs can actually create frustration? When they are so used to meeting every dog they see, and then we stop them they can begin to bark and lunge where they are so desperate to see the other dog but the lead is stopping them from doing so.
Whether we are exposing them to new environments, new situations, new species or new opportunities we need to make sure we arent pushing our dogs over their threshhold and ensure they are happy throughout.
This is why regular training is recommended by trainers, it isnt so we can take your money, its to ensure your dog recieves a good level of exposure to the things around them, to people, to other dogs and new environments all while in a controlled environment. If your dog is suitable for group classes then it is a perfect opportunity for your dog to learn.