While there is no legal age limitation to children being able to walk the family dog there are PLENTY of reasons that I believe a child should not walk a dog alone. Ideally in my head anyone younger than 17 shouldn't be left alone to walk a dog, now that is just my personal opinion.
Yes someone who is 16 can legally live on their own, so therefore is capable of owning a dog. However in the eyes of the law they're not old enough to drive, drink or even be classed as an adult until the ages of 16/17.
Not only is it extremely dangerous for a child to be wandering the streets alone, but it could also increase the chance of them being targeted by the horrible people that exist out there. Now this post is probably going to be fairly morbid, but I want to get people thinking of the actual responsibility that surrounds owning and walking dogs. There are dog thief's out there, kidnappers, and people who generally want to be malicious and cause harm. Now if a child or a teen has to face this on their own there is not a lot they are going to be able to do about it, and a dog may not help at all.
So let's go in a slightly lighter frame of mind, but still not great. What happens if your dog or child gets attacked while they are out walking alone? Is your child strong enough to carry your dog to somewhere safe? Strong enough to carry them back home? Are they smart enough or do they know how to handle an emergency situation like this? A lot of adults aren't trained in canine first aid let alone children and teenagers. Is your child able to recognise dog body language? Do they know not to approach every dog or human out there? Do they know the laws behind the dangerous dog act, and realise or even know that any dog in the world can actually fall under this law?
Should anything happen to your dog during this walk, a child who isn't legally 'adult' age won't be held liable for any damage, the head of the household or the parent will be. Should your dog cause damage to injury to anything or anyone on the walk you will be held liable not your child. If they are to scare, injure, cause damage or even kill someone it is you that can face a fine, prison sentence, and the destruction of your dog.
While you do have some very dog savvy child out there In the world, it is a very big responsibility. Accidents and emergencies can happen with anyone, but it's insuring the capabilities of handling or solving those incidents which is important.
By all means have your child hold or handle the lead while you are out walking with them, teach them the right way to walk the dog, handle the dog. Teach them the responsibilities that surround owning a dog, but make the smart decision to not allow them to walk alone.
It can be such a dangerous position for your child, your dog and the general public. It is a scary dangerous world out there, and as parents AND dog owners it is important that YOU take responsibility over the dog that you chose to purchase or rescue.