This is an extremely important post for people to understand.

If you hire a pet sitter to come into your house and take care of your pet it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to ensure that there is no overlap of care. For the time period you have hired someone to care for your pet NO ONE else should be entering your household.
With people going in you risk pets that aren't allowed outside getting out, you risk pets being fed things they're not meant to, you risk that animal injuring someone who isn't meant to be there. For a pet, having someone else care for them while their owners are away can be an extremely stressful situation as it is. When you add multiple people to the mix it can be a recipe for disaster.
If you're willing to have someone come into your house to care for your pet, and you're paying them to do so then you need to trust them to do their job. You don't take your dog to the vet, but take a different vet with you to watch over a procedure.
If your mum, sister, neighbour, granddaughter, nephew doesn't really know your pet and goes in and feeds them then you may risk the pet having an allergic reaction or choking.
Trust your sitters, allowing someone to go in may invalidate you t&cs, and you risk the sit being cancelled.