This blog can both be something to hit home for pet professionals themselves, or a direction to our clients or future clients out there.
Sometimes you just dont gel with people. Yes as business owners we have to try and stay professional majority of the time, but sometimes we just arent the right match for everyone and its okay to admit it. Its okay to say to someone, i'm going to refer you elsewhere because i dont think we are the right fit.
For example, if you are a force free trainer and you get a client who is looking for balanced training then you probably arent going to gel very well. It is okay to say ' look i dont think this is going to work, but you can try (insert trainers name here)'.
Every single person out there has a different personality, and even when you find people who are exactly the same as you there will still be differences between you that you may not agree on and that's okay.

As a client you may prefer someone who is 100% professional at all times, or you may prefer someone who is laid back and chilled out, more personable. Its okay to say you arent a good fit, and you may suit someone else. This goes for all aspects of being a pet professional, whether be a trainer, walker, sitter or more.
Everyone has different expectations of life, and how things should be done, people are always going to disagree on something, and that's okay! Just because people do things differently to you or you dislike how they do things that doesn't necessarily mean its wrong.
In life sometimes your best bet is to agree to disagree and get on with life.
Before becoming a trainer myself i spoke to several trainers about my dog, and on just a
phone consult i decided one trainer wasn't the right one for me. I didn't like how they presented themselves on the phone so for me that meant i wasn't going any further and that's fine. That doesn't mean they are necessarily a bad trainer. They just arent my match.
Lets normalise differences being okay.