Commonly asked questions about Dalmatians and the quick answer guide from a Dalmatian owner and dog trainer -
What should I feed my Dalmatian?
You can feed raw, kibble or wet. As long as it is low purine and doesn’t include yeast, oily fish or offal.
What is the best harness for my dog?
Y front harnesses are the best for all dogs, these are the less damaging to your dogs body long term.
How do I stop my dog pulling?
The only way to truly stop pulling is through training, yes there are tools you can use but they don’t stop the dog. They restrict your dogs ability, as soon as the tool is taken off you are back to a dog who pulls.
How much exercise should I give my dog?
This is age and dog dependent. Dalmatians are energetic dogs who require stimulation, but doesn’t mean they necessarily all need hours and hours a day.
What treats can I use?
High value treats are the best, as long as they’re low purine and contain no offal, yeast or oily fish you’re good to go.
Are Dalmatians aggressive?
No dog breed are aggressive. Aggression is the intent to harm, which can be a learnt behaviour or a circumstantial reflex. Some dogs may look aggressive but actually be reactive which is not the same as aggression.
What were Dalmatians bred for?
Dalmatians were bred to be carriage dogs back in the day, to follow alongside the fire carriages behind the horses. A lot of them would live out in the stables with the horses which is why they can be such good companions for horsey people.
How does this affect them today?
It means the breed genetically has a lot of endurance, and need a good bit of exercise and stimulation to tire them. However this can be both mental and/or physical.
