I am indeed one of those people who has a foreign import pet. Ayda my 20 year old Spanish horse was imported from Spain 9 years ago. While she is not a rescue the impact on the weather difference is the same.
We are all very aware of the difference between the Spanish heat compared to the British heat. I have just come off of my holiday in Spain where we had 40 degree heat one day, and i laid on the beach for 8 hours. Give us 25 degree heat in the UK and we are desperate to get on the plane to get to the 40 degree heat in Spain because it just hits differently.

While yes our imported animals (rescue or not) were at one point accustomed to high heats, the heat over here is different. British heat is thick, muggy, sweaty and just downright uncomfortable. Its a solid atmosphere unlike most countries we may choose to holiday in.
The problem we have is that both us humans and our animals acclimatize to the temperatures and weathers of the country they NOW live in. So yes for 11 years of Aydas life she was used to high Spanish temperatures, she was not used to the English heat. Now she has acclimated to a general high of 18 on a decent English day, they dont get used to the high 20s that we have, or the rare (but increasing) 30 degree heats that we have had over the last few years. This is self explanatory, the majority of our British weather is low heat and wet weather, which means neither us or our animals can acclimatize to those high temperatures.
Too many people use the excuse with their imports 'oh they're used to it, they lived in ........ for so many years', but forget that was so many years ago and they are now used to a completely different climate. The English heat comes in hard and fast, and disappears as fast as it comes, unfortunately they cannot get used to this.
It is part of our process to refuse walks to our clients in high temperatures, this is to ensure the safety of our clients animals. While we cannot prevent an owner from taking their own dogs out in the heat the best we can do is ensure they get the best care in our times.