I know i've got your attention, but stay with me!
I'm not talking about dog owners here, i am talking about professional dog walkers. As a dog walker and dog trainer it is not a dog walkers responsibility to train your dog. It is plain and simple if your dog does not have recall and you wont train it yourself it should not go off lead.
Dog walkers are not paid enough money to train your dog, and to be honest they're not trained to either. Dog walking is a huge responsibility, and if they train your dog a certain way of recall or say they've perfected your dogs recall and then something goes wrong they can be liable via public indeminity.

Dog walkers stop training peoples dogs when quite frankly it isnt your job, make sure you are paid your worth. You are paid to take their dog out and exercise them. If you want to get into training then do some course and then CHARGE YOUR WORTH! Charge for your knowledge. Stop wasting your time training other peoples dog recall when it is their job to do so not yours.
The only time i advocate for a walker doing training is when it is important to their safety. As previously stated i am a walker/trainer, ive previously had dogs on walks who could quite easily dislocate my shoulder. So to prevent injury i taught a dog to indicate when they wanted to sniff rather than just yank me over. However i am not going to train a dog to loose lead or recall on a walk when that is a seperate service i can be charging my worth for.
If you enjoy training get yourself doing a qualifcation and charge the appropriate amount of money for your time.