Meilla here unfortunately was attacked a month or two ago by a larger dog, the attack was severe and she had to have several stitches and a stay in the vets. But here we are, doing stooge walks with Dolly. Showing her dogs don’t have to be scary. That this unfortunate event doesn’t mean that she can’t enjoy walks or other dogs.
Unfortunately there has recently been a rise in dog attacks, fights and so many more bad situations. But this doesn’t have to shape the way your dog is.
Dogs do fight, they scrap, the same as people argue. But we need to not let it be a problem. It is down to us as owner to ensure our dog is socialised appropriately, that our own dogs are respectful to others. IT IS HARD. Especially seeing a large part of the population aren’t working to do the same. A large population don’t know how to train their dog appropriately, we all go through puppy stage, adolescence and adult hood. We all hit stages of difficulty.
But by letting these dog attacks affect us and our dogs we add to the percentage of issues that are out there.
The old saying “get back on the horse” is quite literal in the horse world. If you’ve fallen off, aren’t broken and are able to get back up then you get back on the horse. This is to ensure both you and the horse aren’t spooked by the incident that happened.
So let’s take this into the dog world, after incidents while YES we need to give our dog times to decompress it’s important to ensure that they “get back on the horse”, take them to see their dog friends so that their next dog experience is ok.
We don’t need to give up on socialising them, we don’t need to hide them away from the world or stop their normal day to day. We just need to take a little bit more caution, but show them the world doesn’t need to be a scary place.
Sometimes we can be our dogs worst enemy.