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About Me

me and ayda.jpg

Where it all started.

From the day i was born i have ALWAYS been around animals. I have never lived in a house that wasn't full of pets, as everyone grew up and got hobbies i just got more and more pets. Pets have been my hobby, my obsession and my passion for my whole life. I've had reptiles, rodents, cats, dogs and a horse. Animals have always been my thing. There was never going to be a day that i could live without having animals in my life. It took me a while to figure out what career i wanted, but i always knew it would end up being with animals. 

women and Dalmatian dog with a red snowflake background

Why a career with animals?

I had always been wanting to expand my knowledge with animals, my first actual course was my Equine Management Level 3. Now i knew this course wasn't going to work towards a job prospect, but to expand my knowledge before i was ready to get my own horse. I had been around them as a young girl but wasn't ready to get my own until after i completed this course. Then along came Ayda. Roll on a few years and i had the opportunity for my perfect puppy, as a girl growing up in the Disney era I grew up loving 101 dalmatians and vowed one day i would have my own. Along came Woody, unfortunately when Woody was roughly a year old, we hit lockdown. Now it was a great experience for me as i spent all my time with my horse and dog. However, little did i know lockdown was going to cause my amazing boy to become dog reactive. I worked hard finding trainers and working on his reactivity and slowly he got better. Having a dog become reactive opened my eyes to the dog world and i learnt so much more about dogs and their welfare. I learnt about dog training and nutrition. Although it wasn't a great circumstance it's allowed me to become much more aware, and has made me want to change the world of dog out there, and also help those who may be in the same position i was in. I started work in a doggy day care and kept furthering my knowledge until i was able to push to my full potential and start my own business. I will always offer my full knowledge and care to the animals who are under my supervision, and ensure they get the best i can offer!

My Qualifications

Sometimes just talking about my adoration for animals is not enough to understand the weight of my passion. Throughout my life i have put myself through several courses to improve my education and knowledge around animals. This section demonstrates just some of the knowledge i have.

  • Pet First Aid and CPR - Oplex Careers - Higher Distinction

  • Animal care Level 2 & 3 - Oplex Careers - Higher Distinction

  • Advanced Animal Care Level 4 - Oplex Careers - Higher Distinction

  • Animal management Level 3 - Oplex Careers - Higher Distinction

  • Equine Management Level 3 - Btec Norton Radstock College

  • Canine Behaviour Training - Oplex Careers - Higher Distinction

  • Certified Reactivity Specialist - Dog Training College

  • Certified Body Language Specialist - Dog Training College

  • Certified Scentwork Specialist - Dog Training College

  • Certified Puppy Specialist - Dog Training College

  • Certified Dog Trainer - Dog Training College

  • Pet First Aid Certified - Dog Training College

  • Canine Nutrition - Centre of Excellence - Distinction

  • Canine First Aid and Emergency Care - Entia Accreditation and Certification

dog training college logo
Canine Scentwork Specialist Program
Advance CBL Specialist
Canine reactivity Speacialis
dog training logo
centre of excellent logo
Puppy Specialist
women standing in a field with agility equiment, back facing the camera with a Dalmatian dog
dog running put of an agility tunnel
headshot of a white horse
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